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You're Almost There!

  • Endless Inspiration: 

    Say goodbye to content block with a vast array of post ideas designed to captivate your audience.

  • Time Saver:

    Free up precious hours with ready-to-go post hooks, allowing you to focus more on engaging with your audience and less on brainstorming.

  • ​Authority Builder:

    Position yourself as a gut health expert with a variety of informative and engaging posts.

  • ​Audience Engagement:

    Keep your followers hooked with fresh, relevant, and educational content that speaks directly to their needs and interests.

What's Included:

  • 5 Weekly Reel Audios:

    Each week receive 5 reel audios split between trending audio & original audios.

  • Plug-n-Play Hooks:

    Each audio has 3-5 hooks specifically geared towards those in the health & wellness industry.

  • ​Filming + editing tips: 

    Each audio has filming tips and mini tutorials to explain editing processes so that you don't have to spend hours on google trying to figure it out.

  • ​Bonus Material:

    Video Shot List with 150 ideas.

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